
Social Technographics

This week I did some research to find out some information on using  social technographics. 
Forrester’s Social Technographics classifies consumers into six overlapping levels of participation:

Taken together, these groups make up the ecosystem that forms the groundswell. By examining in any subgroup, strategists can determine which sorts of strategies make sense to reach their customers. 

Now I would like to talk about what I understand after I searched some information about Groundswell.

Groundswell was winning in a World Transformed by social Technologies. It is about realizing that your customers have the ultimate power now.The information is readily available and in their hands. They also have the power to spread information about your company to their friends, family, peers etc. This is why many companies fear the groundswell, because of the power it takes away from the company and gives to the customers.

Here are some further resources I found about consumers and social media:

See more on http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/08/14/infographic-70-those-helped-social-customer-service-return-customer-future.

Digital footprint

This week, we will talk about digital footprint.

Just like in real life, every step we take online offers insight into our people. Even though you can't see it, people are watching. This is the reason why protecting your digital footprint became a more and more important issue. Whatever, to wrap your reputation in virtual bubble-wrap.

Everyone can watch your commands when you comment on a favorite TV show or movie, therefore you need to manage your identity closely and honestly.

As the topic said, to demonstrate how important digital identity management is. Poor DI management can damage, you, your employer, or your brand.

This is a story about protecting someone's digital footprint in difficult economic time.

It’s easy to look at the negative aspects of a digital footprint, but there are in fact some positives as well. There are some point about pros and cons about digital footprint:

Fraud or legal issues can more easily be detected
Personalization (like suggested products or related advertising) serves to add value to our use of the Internet
Companies can more easily offer incentives based on interests and needs, sometimes resulting in cost savings

Personal data can be used to generate revenue without our knowledge
It can be annoying and distracting to be constantly inundated with advertisements and information
Purchase behavior data may be used as a basis to reduce credit limits or increase interest rates

There are some methods to clean your online footprint:

The lowdown - in brief:
Protect your location > Use a proxy server
Dongles / Mobile devices > Disable location services
Social networks > Turn off the 'where I am' functionality
Wireless networks > Use a proxy server
Photos > Disable the GeoTagging functionality
Protect your preferences > Make browser history private
Protect your personal information in social media > Do not use third party apps
Protect your identity > Turn off facial recognition software
Protect your friends > Hide your contact list
Protect your personal documents > Encrypt your data stored in the cloud

See more on http://www.ikeepsafe.org/digital-citizenship-2/your-digital-footprint/


social what?

People were very easy influenced by other people when they made some decisions, especially the one who closer to them. Therefore social media markers tried to make a big net to connect their target marketing and potential target marketing.
In a Psycology Today article –Bakari writes - “When we are uncertain about what to do we will look to other people to guide us. And we do this automatically and unconsciously. Whether booking a hotel, buying a book, a dress or a new phone, we all look to social validation. Social media has helped accelerate the process.
The ways that social media influence you.

In terms of social media (marketing) use, the power to ‘Influence’ is key. Social Influence can be understood as the influence that society (social groups, friends, family, and others) exerts either deliberately or unintentionally, and which brings about changes in someone’s behavior. The most common way is the word of mouth.

People were very easy influenced by other people when they made some decisions, especially the one who closer to them. Therefore social media markers tried to make a big net to connect their target marketing and potential target marketing.

To effectively market a product or service there are four things you need to get right: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These four elements are known as the marketing mix or the 4Ps.

For more information on the 4 C’s see http://colderice.com/the-5-coolest-social-media-illustrations/ and facebook: ColderICE - Ecommerce Education