
Social Technographics

This week I did some research to find out some information on using  social technographics. 
Forrester’s Social Technographics classifies consumers into six overlapping levels of participation:

Taken together, these groups make up the ecosystem that forms the groundswell. By examining in any subgroup, strategists can determine which sorts of strategies make sense to reach their customers. 

Now I would like to talk about what I understand after I searched some information about Groundswell.

Groundswell was winning in a World Transformed by social Technologies. It is about realizing that your customers have the ultimate power now.The information is readily available and in their hands. They also have the power to spread information about your company to their friends, family, peers etc. This is why many companies fear the groundswell, because of the power it takes away from the company and gives to the customers.

Here are some further resources I found about consumers and social media:

See more on http://www.thedrum.com/news/2013/08/14/infographic-70-those-helped-social-customer-service-return-customer-future.

